Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Today I’m going to talk about how as my 2013 year. We are on December, so in a few days this year will be part of the past. When a new year starts I use to think that it will be a new opportunity to begin. In general this year hasn’t been a year with bad events particularly, but my sensation is that this year was a bad year to me.
Well this year starts and ends bad. On January I had a car accident in a very dangerous road, the car was overturned but luckily I hadn’t any physical damage. The car was completely destroyed.  It was the start of my year.  The end is getting bad because of personal reasons.
About the good things of this year, I feel proud of my academics achievements because I passed all the signatures with good marks and in the end of this year I will finish the pre-degree of my career.  Another good thing is that I already have my internship for the next year in the place that I want, because I have good results on the interviews.  Also this year I moved to Santiago to live on my own house so now I’m more comfortable and I live really near from university. I think that is necessary to be grateful,   my family is alright in all the senses and we have good health.

The end of this year is full of work to do because of the university and I think it is getting endless, but with a little more of afford I will survive !

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