Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Eating Habits

About my personal eating habits I can say that I’m vegetarian, that means that I don’t eat animal meat, but I eat some foodstuff derivatives from animals like milk or eggs. So I don’t go to fast food restaurant because I can’t find food for me there.  But this decision is for something personal and not to be on a diet , in fact, I have never been on a diet  because I’m skinny so I don’t need and I don’t use to  read the nutritional information of the products.

I don’t have favorite’s food because I like everything, but I have some vegetables that I don’t like so much: broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower. And the food that I love is chocolates, cakes, everything sweet. I don’t use to try new food because I think that if I don’t like I will lost my money so I prefer to eat what I know that I like. About food of another countries when I eaten animal meat I love Chinese food.

I prefer to eat at restaurants because I don’t like to cook but when I’m in home I like the food that cooks my mother. Fortunately I have never found something disgusting in my food, only some hair but I think that isn’t so unusual. I have try to probe different food like some tropical fruits but id didn’t taste good.  Well I think that I should take more risks about food and try to eat new kind of food because for vegetarian people is important to have a varied diet.


  1. its so hard to be vegeterian and go to malls! the only thing that you can eat is french fries

  2. I love everything sweet too. Chocolate is my favourite! :D

  3. I'm not vegetarian!
    but I respect people who choose this option!
