Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I think that dreams have a biological explanation and it is about cerebral connections that are represented by images or sequence of images. The contents of these images have relation with the things that have happened on the day or the things we have been thinking, mainly with the things that we are thinking on relation with our worries or with desires.
I don’t remember my dreams a lot, just when I wake up in the morning and then I forget, but I remember that when I was a child I had recurrent nightmares, and it repeats several times. Nowadays I dream often about some fears, but when I’m dreaming I’m aware that is not real life so I can put up with it.  The thing that I like about dreams is that everything is possible, the colours, the forms, and the things you can do, all is so incredible. Maybe is similar to the experience to have a trip with LCD or something like that.

About the daydreams, I believe that it is necessary have daydreams sometimes to escape of the reality and also because I think is funny to think “what would happen if…” Use the imagination or creativity is important to keep our mind working. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that definition of a dream it's pretty neuroscience like
