Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How green you are?

Today I’m going to talk a Little about how I take care of the environment.
I think that these days it is more usual that people are worried or more sensible about the damage that men cause to the earth. But that isn’t enough; still there are a lot of things to do and to learn about how to be friendlier with the environment. 
 I think that I wasn’t very proactive on looking after the earth but I have always been concern with it, and I used to do little things like not throwing papers on the road or streets. Since four years ago I think I have become more active on taking care the environment, and I have started to recycle cardboard, glass and plastic bottles and tetra pack cartons. It is easy to recycle plastic, glass and cardboard because there is a law in my city that makes you separate the rubbish into three materials, and then the person who is in charge of the cleaning of the building picks up from the garbage closet . But when you deal with tetra pack it is more complicated because there aren’t a lot of recycling points, just a truck that picks it up in the streets one day a week.
 The other important thing is that I haven’t eaten animal meat since three years and a half. I thought that this would be very hard but it was actually very easy, I stopped eating meat one day and I never more felt desire to eat again. Also I walk every day to the university and I use the public transport only a few times. I think that it is necessary that the city gives facilities for people who want to take care of the environment , for example for vegetarian people there should be more options of food on the stores, and  more recycling points  

1 comment:

  1. The little things that we do to protect our environment are the first step to do big things :)
