Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Books and Reading

I‘ve never been very enthusiastic about riding, I like but I’m not a fan of book like other people I know. When I was a child I read the books for the school , and I enjoy some of this but in high school I read really good books like “ A orillas del río piedra me senté y lloré” and “ El Zahir” by Paulo Cohelo, “ Tengo miedo torero” by Pedro Lemembel, “  Cien años de Soledad” by Gabriel García Marquez or “ Crime and Punishment ”  by Fiódor Dostoievski.  The books that I most like are novels, but there is an exception because one of my favorites book is “The Little Prince”, a book with a lot of metaphor and a rewarding message. Now that I’m in university I don’t have enough time to read other things different from my career. The last book that I read was the popular “Fifty Shades of Grey” it was recommended for my sister and she borrowed me the first one of the trilogy. I read this book in three or four days, I can’t stop reading because the story catches all my attention . It’s about an eccentric man, he is very rich and handsome but has a kind of weird and hide sexual life,.He met an innocent and clumsy literature student and they start a special relationship. I would recommend this book for women that want to read an interesting story that will keep you involved and entertained for a while. 

1 comment:

  1. Dostoievski's novels are scarring, besides they are a faithful portrait of the time when they where written
