Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Depression in pregnancy may affect children's mental health, study finds

This article is about a research from University of Bristol that investigates the relation between women that are depressed in pregnancy and the effects of that in the fetus.  It’s was a longitudinal study and they work with a sample of more than 4.500 women and their adolescent children. As the result of this study, the researcher found that there is an important relation with the high levels of cortisol hormone and the develop of the fetus on the womb, this hormone is present in persons with depression. The effects of this could be that children who had a mother with depression during the pregnancy develop a depression in adolescence. This results are very relevant because supports the idea that the mental health must be care before the birth of the child.  The author of this article thinks that this results has an important implication for the improve of intervention which must be during the pregnancy to avoid the effects on the child.  Also the author says that this research gives evidence to start investigate more about the risk of some psychiatric illness that could be transmitted from the mother to their child. So the main idea is that helps women pregnancy is not only for cares her mental health , it also  will help to prevent the risk of the child to develop a problem in the future. 



  1. very interesting, it's amazing how the fetus is connected to the mother

  2. This article is very emotive and interesting!
    Depression is horrible!

  3. The connection between fetus and mother is more than I think!

  4. the connection between the mother and the child goes even further that we think
