Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Today I’m going to talk about how as my 2013 year. We are on December, so in a few days this year will be part of the past. When a new year starts I use to think that it will be a new opportunity to begin. In general this year hasn’t been a year with bad events particularly, but my sensation is that this year was a bad year to me.
Well this year starts and ends bad. On January I had a car accident in a very dangerous road, the car was overturned but luckily I hadn’t any physical damage. The car was completely destroyed.  It was the start of my year.  The end is getting bad because of personal reasons.
About the good things of this year, I feel proud of my academics achievements because I passed all the signatures with good marks and in the end of this year I will finish the pre-degree of my career.  Another good thing is that I already have my internship for the next year in the place that I want, because I have good results on the interviews.  Also this year I moved to Santiago to live on my own house so now I’m more comfortable and I live really near from university. I think that is necessary to be grateful,   my family is alright in all the senses and we have good health.

The end of this year is full of work to do because of the university and I think it is getting endless, but with a little more of afford I will survive !

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Eating Habits

About my personal eating habits I can say that I’m vegetarian, that means that I don’t eat animal meat, but I eat some foodstuff derivatives from animals like milk or eggs. So I don’t go to fast food restaurant because I can’t find food for me there.  But this decision is for something personal and not to be on a diet , in fact, I have never been on a diet  because I’m skinny so I don’t need and I don’t use to  read the nutritional information of the products.

I don’t have favorite’s food because I like everything, but I have some vegetables that I don’t like so much: broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower. And the food that I love is chocolates, cakes, everything sweet. I don’t use to try new food because I think that if I don’t like I will lost my money so I prefer to eat what I know that I like. About food of another countries when I eaten animal meat I love Chinese food.

I prefer to eat at restaurants because I don’t like to cook but when I’m in home I like the food that cooks my mother. Fortunately I have never found something disgusting in my food, only some hair but I think that isn’t so unusual. I have try to probe different food like some tropical fruits but id didn’t taste good.  Well I think that I should take more risks about food and try to eat new kind of food because for vegetarian people is important to have a varied diet.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I think that dreams have a biological explanation and it is about cerebral connections that are represented by images or sequence of images. The contents of these images have relation with the things that have happened on the day or the things we have been thinking, mainly with the things that we are thinking on relation with our worries or with desires.
I don’t remember my dreams a lot, just when I wake up in the morning and then I forget, but I remember that when I was a child I had recurrent nightmares, and it repeats several times. Nowadays I dream often about some fears, but when I’m dreaming I’m aware that is not real life so I can put up with it.  The thing that I like about dreams is that everything is possible, the colours, the forms, and the things you can do, all is so incredible. Maybe is similar to the experience to have a trip with LCD or something like that.

About the daydreams, I believe that it is necessary have daydreams sometimes to escape of the reality and also because I think is funny to think “what would happen if…” Use the imagination or creativity is important to keep our mind working. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How green you are?

Today I’m going to talk a Little about how I take care of the environment.
I think that these days it is more usual that people are worried or more sensible about the damage that men cause to the earth. But that isn’t enough; still there are a lot of things to do and to learn about how to be friendlier with the environment. 
 I think that I wasn’t very proactive on looking after the earth but I have always been concern with it, and I used to do little things like not throwing papers on the road or streets. Since four years ago I think I have become more active on taking care the environment, and I have started to recycle cardboard, glass and plastic bottles and tetra pack cartons. It is easy to recycle plastic, glass and cardboard because there is a law in my city that makes you separate the rubbish into three materials, and then the person who is in charge of the cleaning of the building picks up from the garbage closet . But when you deal with tetra pack it is more complicated because there aren’t a lot of recycling points, just a truck that picks it up in the streets one day a week.
 The other important thing is that I haven’t eaten animal meat since three years and a half. I thought that this would be very hard but it was actually very easy, I stopped eating meat one day and I never more felt desire to eat again. Also I walk every day to the university and I use the public transport only a few times. I think that it is necessary that the city gives facilities for people who want to take care of the environment , for example for vegetarian people there should be more options of food on the stores, and  more recycling points  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Books and Reading

I‘ve never been very enthusiastic about riding, I like but I’m not a fan of book like other people I know. When I was a child I read the books for the school , and I enjoy some of this but in high school I read really good books like “ A orillas del río piedra me senté y lloré” and “ El Zahir” by Paulo Cohelo, “ Tengo miedo torero” by Pedro Lemembel, “  Cien años de Soledad” by Gabriel García Marquez or “ Crime and Punishment ”  by Fiódor Dostoievski.  The books that I most like are novels, but there is an exception because one of my favorites book is “The Little Prince”, a book with a lot of metaphor and a rewarding message. Now that I’m in university I don’t have enough time to read other things different from my career. The last book that I read was the popular “Fifty Shades of Grey” it was recommended for my sister and she borrowed me the first one of the trilogy. I read this book in three or four days, I can’t stop reading because the story catches all my attention . It’s about an eccentric man, he is very rich and handsome but has a kind of weird and hide sexual life,.He met an innocent and clumsy literature student and they start a special relationship. I would recommend this book for women that want to read an interesting story that will keep you involved and entertained for a while. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Depression in pregnancy may affect children's mental health, study finds

This article is about a research from University of Bristol that investigates the relation between women that are depressed in pregnancy and the effects of that in the fetus.  It’s was a longitudinal study and they work with a sample of more than 4.500 women and their adolescent children. As the result of this study, the researcher found that there is an important relation with the high levels of cortisol hormone and the develop of the fetus on the womb, this hormone is present in persons with depression. The effects of this could be that children who had a mother with depression during the pregnancy develop a depression in adolescence. This results are very relevant because supports the idea that the mental health must be care before the birth of the child.  The author of this article thinks that this results has an important implication for the improve of intervention which must be during the pregnancy to avoid the effects on the child.  Also the author says that this research gives evidence to start investigate more about the risk of some psychiatric illness that could be transmitted from the mother to their child. So the main idea is that helps women pregnancy is not only for cares her mental health , it also  will help to prevent the risk of the child to develop a problem in the future. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Japanese Animation

Anime is the name to call the Japanese animation dedicated to child entertainment and is very famous in the occidental world. In my childhood was very popular and you could watch on national channels TV.  In these days, on TV you can’t find easily anime or any other cartoon programme, but if you have satellite TV or cable TV you will find anime. One of the more famous anime is Dragon Ball; this is an anime that fascinate child and adult people, and also girls.
When I was a child there’s no so much of anime on TV, but there was one that I like: Sailor moon.  I can’t remember a lot of things about this anime but it was about five girls with powers and with a kind of double life. They should fight against the enemy’s and I liked that they had nice clothes.  Also I watched others anime less popular like DN Angel and Elfen Lied. As well in those days I listened some Japanese songs, the only group I remember is Larc n’ Ciel but I listened just one or two times.

Well I think that anime didn’t influence my life in any way it was just for fun, but I know people that love the Japanese culture and one of their dreams is to visit Japon. The  Anime gets memories to me about moments and people from another stage of my life.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'd like to know...

Say a country that I’d love to know is a difficult question to me, because I like so much travel and there are a lot of places that I'd like to know , so choose one is complicated. But certainly one of the countries’ that I would like to know some day is Australia because I’ve heard about the beautiful landscapes, the crystalline water of the beaches and the incredible fauna of the island.
If I went there I think there are two things that I’d like to do. The first thing is have a relax time on the beach, walk all through the sand, swim on the sea and get some sun lying in a beach chair. The other one thing is to visit the amazing corals and reef, and if it’s possible I’d love to scuba and see the diversity of animals in the sea.  Another thing is to know Melbourne, I‘ve heard that is a beautiful city where you can have a lot of fun especially on the night.

Also I’ve heard that Australia it’s a very cosmopolitan country, that means that there are a lot of people from different cultures I think that is a good point because you have the opportunity to learn different custom and language. The bad point is that Australia is very expensive, so I think the best option is “work and travel” program or tray to get a work visa and look for a job by yourself. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Television is certainly one of the most massive means of communication above all because the access  is very easy and cheap.  That’s why TV is an important source to gain the attention of a lot of people and that’s why the contents should be choosing very carefully. I think that everybody has the right of choose what wants to watch on TV, and it’s really important the diversity of programs and channels to cover all the interest. The good points of television is that you can have a lot of information about a different things , places or persons, in real time and from different resources like the new channels. Another good point is that you can have fun with the TV shows, movies, series, etc. So the TV can be a way to share with other people too. The bad point of TV is that sometimes you can find content that is not for child and is hard to take control of that, and another point is that some people get a kind of addicted of TV and replace the real communication for the TV.
I think Chilean TV is so monotonous and there is a lack of diversity contents, that’s mean that you watch always the same things in all the channels. I like the TV show with interest contents, like that programs dedicated to look into some relevant thematic; and for the entertainment I like the good operas above all the Brazilian ones.  To improve Chilean TV should be necessary more programs with interest and varied topics, and also there’s a miss of culture on TV. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My Ideal Job

When I think about what I want to do the rest of my life after university, I have a contradiction because 
I like my career (psycology) and obviously I'd love to work on that, above all i like to help people with adicctions problems. But If I think on that I imagine myself involved in a routine, working every day in the same thing , in the same place, with a defined timetable and I can stop thinking that it's a very boring life style.
I'd like to have a dynamic job, even my ideal job is  doing what i like but travelling around the world, knowing different cultures and lerning trough the differents experiences with people.
People spend a lot of time (even the most part of life) working hard for earn money to can buy things they need to survive and also things they don't need, so they forget to enjoy their life, doing thing they really like. Well, thats exactly what i don't want for my life, so my ideal job is practice the psycology but moving all over the countrys, I think that the qualitis to do a kind a job like this is to be ready for changes and to take risk, beacuse it's neccesary to be a brave person  to face  an unknown reallity , and to leave the family and friends to start a new life. So, it's neccesary too have the capacity to adapt a different contexts and be sociable to know  new people. 
I think thay maybe I don't have all that qualities, but there is a thing that I love, and that is the changes. I like be always moving , for example I don't like to live for a lot of time in the same place, I get boring of that and I want to move. So I think that I 'm a person that can adapt  to the changes. And the main thing is that I have on my priorities to do in life what i really makes me happy, so travel is one of that think that i really enojoy. 
The difficult part of this, is that I hate to be far of my family, above all I always miss my little nephews and it's hard to be ausent in part of their  growth.